The closest observation stations
elevation 560 m, 15.9 km from 61.923, 8.987
Temperature atTemperature18.9°Precipitation last 24 hoursPrecipitation 0mmWind speed at1.7m/sWind gust at2.9m/sDombås - Nordigard
elevation 638 m, 17.9 km from 61.923, 8.987
Temperature atTemperature18.9°Precipitation last 24 hoursPrecipitation 0mmWind speed at1.3m/sWind gust at2.5m/sRv15 Eidefossen
elevation 356 m, 21.2 km from 61.923, 8.987
Temperature atTemperature16.1°Precipitation last 24 hoursPrecipitation 0mm
The air around 61.923, 8.987
Air pollution forecast
61.923, 8.987
:LowLow or no risk for health effects.
In the atmosphere
UV forecast
61.923, 8.987
1LowSun protection is necessary when the UV index is 3 or higher.
61.923, 8.987
Kp index: 4Aurora: No activity8% cloud cover
Sun and moon
Daylight24° above horizon- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Length of day:
- Difference from yesterday:
- Difference from summer solstice:
- Solar noon at
- Next solar eclipse (partial):
The moon is 20° under the horizon in north
96.9% illuminated, waning gibbous
- Moonset in west
- Moonrise in east
- Next full moon:
- Next new moon:
- Next lunar eclipse (total):