The closest observation stations
Rv9 Hovden
elevation 915 m, 0 km from Rv9 Hovden
Temperature atTemperature14.7°Precipitation last 24 hoursPrecipitation 0mmWind speed at1.5m/sHovden - Lundane
elevation 841 m, 8 km from Rv9 Hovden
Temperature atTemperature15.0°Precipitation last 24 hoursPrecipitation 0mmSnow depth atSnow depth0.0 cmWind speed at2.8m/sWind gust at5.7m/sVågsli
elevation 821 m, 14.9 km from Rv9 Hovden
Temperature atTemperature14.1°Wind speed at1.9m/sWind gust at6.0m/s
The air around Rv9 Hovden
Air pollution forecast
Rv9 Hovden
:LowLow or no risk for health effects.
In the atmosphere
UV forecast
Rv9 Hovden
3ModerateLimit your time in the sun, seek shade, cover up with protective clothing and wear sunglasses. Apply generous amounts of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
Rv9 Hovden
Kp index: 2Aurora: No activity100% cloud cover
Sun and moon
Daylight32° above horizon- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Length of day:
- Difference from yesterday:
- Difference from summer solstice:
- Solar noon at
- Next solar eclipse (partial):
The moon is 11° under the horizon in east
23.5% illuminated, waxing crescent
- Moonrise in southeast
- Moonset in southwest
- Next full moon:
- Next new moon:
- Next lunar eclipse (partial):
Water temperatures
30.6 km from Rv9 Hovden
Temperature18.5°Registered by user,