
  1. Image from Mlade Buky
  2. Image from Janske Lazne
  3. Image from Cerna Hora
  4. Image from Mlade Buky

The closest observation stations

  1. Jelenia Gora

    elevation 342 m, 30.6 km from Svoboda nad Úpou

    Temperature at
  2. Klodzko

    elevation 356 m, 60.3 km from Svoboda nad Úpou

    Temperature at
  3. Wroclaw II

    elevation 121 m, 92.9 km from Svoboda nad Úpou

    Temperature at

In the atmosphere

  1. UV forecast

    Svoboda nad Úpou

    0No UV radiation
    Graph which shows UV forecast for Svoboda nad Úpou

Sun and moon

  1. Sun

    Dusk (civil twilight)6° below the horizon
    Graph which shows the sun phases and how high in the sky the sun is for Svoboda nad Úpou
    • Sunrise
    • Sunset
    • Length of day:
    • Difference from yesterday:
    • Difference from summer solstice:
    • Solar noon at
    • Next solar eclipse (partial):
  2. Moon

    The moon is 20° over the horizon in south

    28.8% illuminated, waxing crescent

    • Moonrise in southeast
    • Moonset in southwest
    • Next full moon:
    • Next new moon:
    • Next lunar eclipse (total):