The closest observation stations
Rv94 Skjåholmen
elevation 25 m, 15 km from Hønsebygrunnen
Temperature atTemperature-0.8°Precipitation last 24 hoursPrecipitation 0mmWind speed at11.1m/sHammerfest lufthavn
elevation 81 m, 19.6 km from Hønsebygrunnen
Temperature atTemperature-1.9°Precipitation last 24 hoursPrecipitation 0.4mmWind speed at5.1m/sWind gust at11.5m/sRognsundet
elevation 18 m, 24.5 km from Hønsebygrunnen
Temperature atTemperature-1.2°Wind speed at10.6m/sWind gust at15.5m/s
The air around Hønsebygrunnen
Air pollution forecast
:LowLow or no risk for health effects.
In the atmosphere
UV forecast
0No UV radiationAurora
Kp index: 1Aurora: No activity100% cloud cover
Sun and moon
Dawn (civil twilight)3° below the horizon- Polar night until
- Next solar eclipse (partial):
The moon is 14° under the horizon in east
26.4% illuminated, waxing crescent
- Moonrise in south
- Moonset in south
- Next full moon:
- Next new moon:
- Next lunar eclipse (total):