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Current conditions
Feels like 11°
Precipitation 0mm
8 m/s fresh breeze from south with gusts at 13 m/s8 (13)m/s
Weather forecast for the next 10 days
Temperature high/lowWindPrecip.
- Maximum minimum temperature:14°/11°Precipitation 33mmWind:8m/sOpen hourly forecast
- Maximum minimum temperature:11°/7°Precipitation 18mmWind:4m/sOpen hourly forecast
- Maximum minimum temperature:8°/2°Precipitation 5.5mmWind:8m/sOpen hourly forecast
- Maximum minimum temperature:7°/1°Precipitation 2.1mmWind:6m/sOpen hourly forecast
- Maximum minimum temperature:7°/0°Precipitation 0mmWind:4m/sOpen hourly forecast
- Maximum minimum temperature:9°/-1°Precipitation 0mmWind:3m/sOpen hourly forecast
- Maximum minimum temperature:11°/3°Precipitation 0mmWind:4m/sOpen hourly forecast
- Maximum minimum temperature:11°/5°Precipitation 4.1mmWind:2m/sOpen hourly forecast
- Maximum minimum temperature:11°/5°Precipitation 0mmWind:3m/sOpen hourly forecast
- Maximum minimum temperature:11°/5°Precipitation 0mmWind:3m/sOpen hourly forecast
Updated .
Time | Weather | Temp. | Precip. mm | Wind speed m/s | Wind desc. |
– | 5° | 0 | 3 m/s from west3 | Light breeze from west | |
– | 5° | 0 | 3 m/s from west3 | Light breeze from west | |
– | 11° | 0 | 4 m/s from south west4 | Gentle breeze from south west | |
– | 9° | 0 | 2 m/s from west2 | Light breeze from west |