
  1. Image from Eidefossen


  2. Image from Lalm
  3. Image from Lom, direction north west


  4. Image from Gjendesheim, direction west


The closest observation stations

  1. Leirflaten

    elevation 599 m, 4.1 km from Søre Vangen

    Temperature at
  2. Rv15 Eidefossen

    elevation 356 m, 14.6 km from Søre Vangen

    Temperature at
  3. Otta - Skansen

    elevation 309 m, 25.1 km from Søre Vangen

    Temperature at

The air around Søre Vangen

  1. Pollen forecast

    Central mountain areas in southern Norway

    7 June
    Pollen typeConcentration
    Birch and Salix

    8 June

    No pollen reported.

  2. Air pollution forecast

    Søre Vangen


    Low or no risk for health effects.

    Graph which shows air quality for Søre Vangen

In the atmosphere

  1. UV forecast

    Søre Vangen


    Limit your time in the sun, seek shade, cover up with protective clothing and wear sunglasses. Apply generous amounts of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

    Graph which shows UV forecast for Søre Vangen
  2. Aurora

    Søre Vangen

    Aurora: No activity
    94% cloud cover
    Kp index: 1

Sun and moon

  1. Sun

    Daylight39° above horizon
    Graph which shows the sun phases and how high in the sky the sun is for Søre Vangen
    • Sunrise
    • Sunset
    • Length of day:
    • Difference from yesterday:
    • Difference from winter solstice:
    • Solar noon at
    • Next solar eclipse (partial):
  2. Moon

    The moon is 36° over the horizon in east

    1% illuminated, waxing crescent

    • Moonset in north
    • Moonrise in north
    • Next full moon:
    • Next new moon:
    • Next lunar eclipse (partial):