
  1. Image from Mandal
  2. Image from Mandalskrysset
  3. Image from Svennevikheia
  4. Image from Lussevika

The closest observation stations

  1. Mandal III

    elevation 10 m, 0.6 km from Malmø, øvre lanterne

    Temperature at
  2. E39 Osestad

    elevation 150 m, 17.8 km from Malmø, øvre lanterne

    Temperature at
  3. E39 Monankrysset

    elevation 19 m, 23.9 km from Malmø, øvre lanterne

    Temperature at

The air around Malmø, øvre lanterne

  1. Pollen forecast

    Southern Norway

    24 Apr.
    Pollen typeConcentration
    Birch and Salix
    25 Apr.
    Pollen typeConcentration
    Birch and Salix
  2. Air pollution

    Malmø, øvre lanterne


    The pollution levels are low.

    Graph which shows air quality for Malmø, øvre lanterne

In the atmosphere

  1. UV forecast

    Malmø, øvre lanterne


    Sun protection is necessary when the UV index is 3 or higher.

    Graph which shows UV forecast for Malmø, øvre lanterne
  2. Aurora

    Malmø, øvre lanterne

    Aurora: No activity
    71% cloud cover
    Kp index: 3

Sun and moon

  1. Sun

    Daylight25° above horizon
    Graph which shows the sun phases and how high in the sky the sun is for Malmø, øvre lanterne
    • Sunrise
    • Sunset
    • Length of day:
    • Difference from yesterday:
    • Difference from winter solstice:
    • Solar noon at
    • Next solar eclipse (partial):
  2. Moon

    The moon is 25° under the horizon in west

    99.9% illuminated, waning gibbous

    • Moonset in southwest
    • Moonrise in southeast
    • Next full moon:
    • Next new moon:
    • Next lunar eclipse (partial):

Water temperatures

See all water temperatures
  1. Lindesnes fyr

    24.8 km from Malmø, øvre lanterne


    Registered by Automatisk registrering,

  2. Kanalbyen

    34 km from Malmø, øvre lanterne


    Registered by user,

  3. Bystranda

    34.9 km from Malmø, øvre lanterne


    Registered by user,

  4. Roklubben

    35 km from Malmø, øvre lanterne


    Registered by user,

  5. Isefjærfjorden

    47.3 km from Malmø, øvre lanterne


    Registered by user,