
  1. Image from Midtskogberget
  2. Image from Trysil
  3. Image from Trysil, direction south west


The closest observation stations

  1. Rv25 Midtskogberget

    elevation 575 m, 10.1 km from Søre Osen

    Temperature at
  2. Trysilfjellet

    elevation 1020 m, 22 km from Søre Osen

    Temperature at
  3. Trysil Mosanden

    elevation 360 m, 23.5 km from Søre Osen

    Temperature at

The air around Søre Osen

  1. Pollen forecast

    Inner eastern Norway

    19 Apr.
    Pollen typeConcentration
    Hazel and Alder
    20 Apr.
    Pollen typeConcentration
    Hazel and Alder
  2. Air pollution

    Søre Osen


    The pollution levels are low.

    Graph which shows air quality for Søre Osen

In the atmosphere

  1. UV forecast

    Søre Osen


    Limit your time in the sun, seek shade, cover up with protective clothing and wear sunglasses. Apply generous amounts of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

    Graph which shows UV forecast for Søre Osen
  2. Aurora

    Søre Osen

    Aurora: No activity
    88% cloud cover
    Kp index: 2

Sun and moon

  1. Sun

    Daylight35° above horizon
    Graph which shows the sun phases and how high in the sky the sun is for Søre Osen
    • Sunrise
    • Sunset
    • Length of day:
    • Difference from yesterday:
    • Difference from winter solstice:
    • Solar noon at
    • Next solar eclipse (partial):
  2. Moon

    The moon is 18° under the horizon in north

    81.7% illuminated, waxing gibbous

    • Moonset in northwest
    • Moonrise in east
    • Next full moon:
    • Next new moon:
    • Next lunar eclipse (partial):